Tag: bench

Preliminary Analysis of TKF “Book & Bench” texts

Preliminary Analysis of TKF “Book & Bench” texts using unsupervised semantic mapping of natural language with Leximancer concept mapping #CEL001. In Cornell Civic Ecology Lab (Ed.), Civic Ecology Lab White Paper Series In 2011, one of the research teams competing for a TKF Foundation National Nature Sacred Award grant proposed exploring the creation and stewardship…

Mapping Nature in the Mind

Each garden and nearby green space supported by the TKF Foundation includes an iconic bench. A specially created waterproof, blank book and pen combination – located beneath the bench – invites visitors to an Open Space Sacred Place to articulate their experience. Readers can follow updates on new benches and journal entries at #benchstories.  …

TKF Bench History: If This Bench Could Talk

  “I come from the long ago. I’m not really sure how old I am. I remember Indian camps, dusty roads, ox-carts, horses, wagons, stagecoaches, and travelers on foot. About 1890 or so it was, so I am told, when I was cut down at last – “virgin timber,” they called me. Seemed to prize…

Introducing “Bench Stories”

For nearly 20 years, the TKF Foundation has been committed to the idea that time spent in nature can trigger profound human experiences. This can be as simple as a stress relieving break from work, to sitting under the shade of a nearby tree, to the healing power of a walk in the woods during…

"Peace. Love. Health. Joy. Safety. Serenity. Prosperity. Contentment. All are mine as I walk the ThanksGiving Place labyrinth. I am drawn back again and again."

More about this Bench Story