Tag: placemaking

A City’s History and Future in Place

[Featured image: Firehouse Hostel and Museum in Little Rock’s MacArthur Park] Each month in our Nature Sacred blog we share insight from leaders in our communities who are advancing what it means to have sacred, open green spaces in our cities. In April, we talk with several companies and initiatives developing meaningful places in our cities….

Social Capital and Placemaking: An Interview with Ethan Kent

Drawing from fifteen years of placemaking experience, Ethan Kent, of Project for Public Spaces (PPS) talks about how placemaking contributes to social capital and city governance, and has launched a new type of environmentalism.  We were pleased to speak with Ethan about the importance of public engagement, planning and visioning to create human-scaled public places right…

"Just for today I am grateful for being alive and to have this quiet space."

More about this Bench Story