
Meet the Firesouls. A business executive. An artist. A doctor. A pastor. All different walks of life—all with a shared vision: to make the world a better place by helping their own community. 

Nichole Battle

Hamid Esfandiari

Donald Quarles

Paula Teague

Lauren Goodsmith

Dr. Mike Sherlock

Fred Smith

Rebecca Hoffberger

Nicole Fall

Todd Marcus

You meet a Firesoul and you know it. They burn brightly with the desire to make the world a better place—and simply by knowing them, you do, too.

As you read their stories, we challenge you to try not to feel a tug of inspiration. A spark of hope and optimism for a brighter world. We ask you to pause—just for a moment—to imagine a world with more people like them, working to improve societies. Imagine our cities, dotted with more small green spaces like these, and you’ve imagined a more peaceful, healthier and resilient society.

Perhaps you’re a Firesoul. Maybe you share some common traits with Jenny, John, or Nichole. Maybe you have been waiting to find a meaningful way to make a difference in your neighborhood. Take a tour!

Firesoul Directory

Name Location Sacred Place Story
Susan Bonneau   Washington, DC Mt. Olivet Cemetery, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy Read Story
Susie Bruninga   Washington DC, DC Piney Spring Green - Coming Soon Read Story
Alex Bull   Baltimore, MD Cooperative Community Development - Coming Soon Read Story
Johnny Martin Jr.   Baltimore, MD Cooperative Community Development - Coming Soon Read Story
Ann Marie Lawler   Baltimore, MD Cathedral of the Incarnation - Coming Soon Read Story
Yumna Valiulla   Columbia, MD Muslim Family Center - Coming Soon Read Story
Shazia Yousuf   Columbia, MD Muslim Family Center - Coming Soon Read Story
Ayman Rahman   Columbia, MD Muslim Family Center - Coming Soon Read Story
Antoine Nash   Chicago, IL The Hive at Cultivate Chicago - Coming Soon Read Story
Alberto Rivera   Washington DC, DC Piney Spring Green - Coming Soon Read Story
Beth Tohn   Baltimore, MD Village Learning Place Read Story
Jade Hall   , Natural Dye Initiative Indigo Farm - Coming Soon Read Story
Beth Myers-Edwards   Baltimore, MD Amazing Port Street Garden Read Story
Rebecca Uchill   Baltimore, MD University of Maryland Baltimore County Joseph Beuys Sculpture Park Read Story
Mary Ann Salim   , MD St. Timothy's School Labyrinth Garden Read Story
Kenya Miles   Baltimore, MD Hidden Harvest Farm - Coming Soon Read Story
Kesiah Bascom   Chicago, IL The Hive at Cultivate Chicago - Coming Soon Read Story
Kris De la Torre   Chicago, IL The Hive at Cultivate Chicago - Coming Soon Read Story
Phyllis Ham   Baltimore, MD Geckle Memorial Garden - Coming Soon Read Story
Dwight Jackson   Des Moines, IA Wellmark Urban Dreams Community Center - Coming Soon
Laura Tiffany   Washington DC, DC Luther Place Memorial Church - Coming Soon Read Story
Joe Migas   Washington DC, DC Luther Place Memorial Church - Coming Soon Read Story
Abel Lopez   Washington DC, DC Luther Place Memorial Church - Coming Soon Read Story
Kisha Webster   Baltimore, MD Hidden Harvest Farm - Coming Soon Read Story
Sarah D’Adamo   Baltimore, MD Hidden Harvest Farm - Coming Soon Read Story
Peter Bleich   Baltimore, MD Kirby Lane Park, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works Read Story
Linda Clark-Tucker   Baltimore, MD 507 E 22nd St - Coming Soon Read Story
Curtis Clinton   Baltimore, MD 507 E 22nd St - Coming Soon Read Story
Nolan Powell   Annapolis, MD Roots and Wings Garden at Key School Read Story
Amy Cline   Annapolis, MD Roots and Wings Garden at Key School Read Story
Heather Montague   Annapolis, MD Roots and Wings Garden at Key School Read Story
Michelle Reese   College Park, MD Garden of Reflection and Remembrance at the University of Maryland Read Story
Drue Hodgetts   Baltimore, MD Govans Community Garden - Coming Soon Read Story
Peter Conrad   Baltimore, MD Govans Community Garden - Coming Soon Read Story
Bonnie Thomson   Baltimore, MD Govans Community Garden - Coming Soon Read Story
Holly Jackson   Baltimore, MD Baltimore Clayworks - Coming Soon Read Story
Dr. Edward Hill   Talladega, AL Talladega College | Honoring Our Ancestors, Enacting our Dreams, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Rev. Cherie Smith   Baltimore, MD MedStar Health Garden of Gratitude - Coming Soon Read Story
Leah Murray   Baltimore, MD MedStar Health Garden of Gratitude - Coming Soon Read Story
Orville Henry   Baltimore, MD MedStar Health Garden of Gratitude - Coming Soon Read Story
Avvah Rossi   Brooklyn, NY Naval Cemetery Landscape Read Story
Hunter Armstrong   Brooklyn, NY Naval Cemetery Landscape Read Story
Karen Hale   Fresno, CA Wesley United Methodist Church - Coming Soon Read Story
Sih Oka-Zeh   Baltimore, MD Pigtown Patio - Coming Soon Read Story
Bri’Anna Horne   Baltimore, MD Pigtown Patio - Coming Soon Read Story
Michael Schaffer   Baltimore, MD Moon Garden, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works - Coming Soon Read Story
Barbara Bolden   Baltimore, MD The Beehive Sacred Garden Read Story
Robert Butler   Washington DC, DC Buena Vista Terrace - Coming Soon Read Story
Angie DeMoreland   Easton, MD The Arc of Central Chesapeake - Easton - Coming Soon Read Story
Jackie Franklin   Baltimore, MD Saint Luke's Youth Center - Coming Soon Read Story
Taryn Chase   Easton, MD The Arc of Central Chesapeake - Easton - Coming Soon Read Story
Kaliyah Williams   Baltimore, MD Saint Luke's Youth Center - Coming Soon Read Story
Debbie Cameron   Baltimore, MD The Beehive Sacred Garden Read Story
Regina Hammond   Baltimore, MD The Beehive Sacred Garden Read Story
Shira Goodman   Baltimore, MD The Mulberry Gander at Filbert Street Garden - Coming Soon Read Story
Brittany Coverdale   Baltimore, MD The Mulberry Gander at Filbert Street Garden - Coming Soon Read Story
Bella Rose   Fresno, CA Wesley United Methodist Church - Coming Soon Read Story
Quiana Roberts   Baltimore, MD Upper Eutaw and Madison Neighborhood Sculpture Park Read Story
Charles DeBarber   Baltimore, MD The Mulberry Gander at Filbert Street Garden - Coming Soon Read Story
Pastor Robin Mathews-Johnson   Fresno, CA Wesley United Methodist Church - Coming Soon Read Story
Sebastian Gominho   Washington, DC, DC American Geophysical Union, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy Read Story
Carla Freyvogel   Washington, DC Georgetown Waterfront Park Read Story
Letrice Gant Read Story
Matthew Boyd   Washington, DC, DC American Geophysical Union, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy
Judy Feldt   Odenton, MD Epiphany Chapel Read Story
Jamie Watts   Lineville, Alabama Lineville Pocket Park, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Melvin Jadulang   Baltimore, MD Ujamaa Cove - Coming Soon Read Story
Dick Williams   Baltimore, MD Donald O. Wilson Park - Coming Soon Read Story
Steve Sye   Baltimore, MD Donald O. Wilson Park - Coming Soon Read Story
Kendra Hazel   Washington, DC, DC Girard Children's Community Garden Read Story
Linda Adamson Read Story
Marie Lanier Narváez   Lineville, AL Sarah's Garden at SIFAT Campus, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Cristina Perez   Clarksburg, MD The Clarksburg Yard - Coming Soon
Remo Barnett   Baltimore, MD Pacific Park, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works - Coming Soon
Kaye Jesske   Lincoln, NE Garden of Hope and Healing at the April Sampson Cancer Center
Valerie Hunt   Lincoln, NE Garden of Hope and Healing at the April Sampson Cancer Center
Ginger DeLuca Read Story
Randy Stevens   , MD St. Timothy's School Labyrinth Garden Read Story
John Buzzelli   Annapolis, MD St. Mary's Elementary School
Daniel Watkins   , J. Kent McNew Family Medical Center Garden Read Story
Bill Kuethe   Millersville, MD Opportunity Builders, Inc. - Coming Soon Read Story
Marsha Legg   Millersville, MD Opportunity Builders, Inc. - Coming Soon Read Story
Timothy Douglas   Baltimore, MD Urban Farm, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works Read Story
Jennifer Brehm   Philadelphia, PA UPenn Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology Stoner Courtyard
Bryan Ibrafall Wright   , Natural Dye Initiative Indigo Farm - Coming Soon Read Story
Beth Wolff   Clarksburg, MD The Clarksburg Yard - Coming Soon Read Story
Melodee Colbert Kean   Joplin, MO Butterfly Garden & Overlook Read Story
Kate Culzoni   , MD César Chávez School - Coming Soon Read Story
Christina Marsh Read Story
Sarah Ryan   Annapolis, MD Annapolis Light House Healing Garden Read Story
Austin Auclair   , MD César Chávez School - Coming Soon Read Story
Prithi Chandra   Philadelphia, PA UPenn Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology Stoner Courtyard Read Story
Stephanie Eyocko   Washington DC, DC Wangari Gardens Read Story
Ronald Weber   Jessup, MD Western Correctional Institution
Lina Hargadon   Baltimore, MD Village Learning Place
Gerilyn Lackey   Baltimore, MD Urban Farm, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works
Arlen Cullors   Baltimore, MD Upper Eutaw and Madison Neighborhood Sculpture Park
Jennifer Brehm   Philadelphia, PA UPenn Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology Stoner Courtyard
Amanda Mitchell-Boyask   Philadelphia, PA UPenn Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology Stoner Courtyard
Bonni Leiserowitz   Omaha, NE Tri-Faith Initiative - Coming Soon
Deena Kilmon   Easton, MD The Arc of Central Chesapeake - Easton - Coming Soon Read Story
Ted Gross
Mellie Parris   Lineville, AL Sarah's Garden at SIFAT Campus, in partnership with CFNEA
Tom Banks   Gadsden, AL Reflective Garden at Gunn-Bellenger House, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Tony Johnson   Washington, DC Providence Hospital
Anna Bakis   Brooklyn, NY Naval Cemetery Landscape
Remy Schwartz
Frazier Burroughs   Anniston, AL Mural Park at West Anniston Gateway, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Vanessa Truxon   Chestertown, MD Minary's Dream Alliance - Coming Soon Read Story
Rebecca Daubney   Annapolis, MD Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts
Jennifer Ford   Annapolis, MD Roots and Wings Garden at Key School Read Story
Jane Zanger   Annapolis, MD Roots and Wings Garden at Key School Read Story
Paul Willey   , Port Isobel Island, in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Read Story
Rev. Richard Jones   Annapolis, MD Anne Arundel Medical Center Healing Garden Read Story
Sister Mary Beth   Marriottsville, MD Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center Labyrinth Garden
Doncella Wilson   Chestertown, MD Minary's Dream Alliance - Coming Soon Read Story
Trudy Lowe   Piedmont, AL Timeless Season in the Sun at the Piedmont Health Care Center, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Tom Corson   Lineville, AL Sarah's Garden at SIFAT Campus, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Melissa Bierman   Portland, OR Unity Center for Behavioral Health Garden Read Story
John Iaquinta   Millersville, MD Langton Green Community Farm Read Story
Timnit Belay   Washington, DC, DC Marvin Gaye Greening Center, in partnership with Washington Parks & People Read Story
Timothy Branch   Washington, DC, DC Marvin Gaye Greening Center, in partnership with Washington Parks & People Read Story
Laura Brino   Annapolis, MD Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts Read Story
Remo Barnett   Baltimore, MD Pacific Park, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works - Coming Soon
Samantha Lee   Washington DC, DC Wangari Gardens Read Story
Izaah Knox   Des Moines, IA Wellmark Urban Dreams Community Center - Coming Soon Read Story
Robin Smith   Washington, DC Providence Hospital Read Story
Catherine Comer   Annapolis, MD The Arc of Central Chesapeake - Annapolis Read Story
Katie Ferguson   Mentone, AL St. Joseph’s on the Mountain Episcopal Church Memorial Prayer Garden, in partnership with CFNEA
Martha Waldron   , Joseph Beuys Installation at Wyman Park Dell Read Story
Colonel Paul Bricker   Washington, DC, DC Knollwood Life Plan Community - Coming Soon Read Story
Annette March-Grier   , Roberta’s House Rooftop Garden - Coming Soon Read Story
Kelli Brooks   , Roberta’s House Rooftop Garden - Coming Soon Read Story
Pastor Michael Martin   Baltimore, MD Stone Sanctum at Stillmeadow PeacePark Read Story
Yorell Tuck   Baltimore, MD Stone Sanctum at Stillmeadow PeacePark Read Story
Kristi Knous   Des Moines, IA C3 Campus Contemplative Garden Read Story
David Brierley   Towson, MD Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC) - Coming Soon Read Story
Atiya Wells   Baltimore, MD BLISS Meadows Read Story
Paul Williams   Washington DC, DC Congressional Cemetery Read Story
Dick Blackburn   Arlington, VA Barton Park (formerly Whitman Walker Clinic) Read Story
Tara Davis   Washington, DC American Psychological Association Green Rooftop and Labyrinth
Denise McHugh   College Park, MD Garden of Reflection and Remembrance at the University of Maryland Read Story
Janet Felsten   Baltimore, MD Stony Run Park Read Story
Kevin Cassidy   Marriottsville, MD Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center Labyrinth Garden Read Story
Tessa Barnett   Marriottsville, MD Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center Labyrinth Garden Read Story
Candace Rebuck   Baltimore, MD Rehabilitation & Orthopaedic Institute Healing Garden Read Story
Lori Patria   Baltimore, MD Rehabilitation & Orthopaedic Institute Healing Garden
Andrea Fitz   Baltimore, MD Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Healing Garden and Labyrinth Read Story
Teresia Hazen   Portland, OR Terrace Garden at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center Read Story
Jib Edwards   Annapolis, MD 4th Street City Park Read Story
Lisa Lindsay-Mondoro   Annapolis, MD Boys and Girls Club of Annapolis
Liz Anne Ganiban   Washington, DC A Wider Circle at Sibley Plaza Read Story
John Corea   Washington, DC Crispus Attucks Park Read Story
Kelcey Johnson   Memphis, TN Staff Courtyard at The Hospitality Hub
Michael Cross-Barnet   Baltimore, MD Upper Eutaw and Madison Neighborhood Sculpture Park Read Story
Chip Rowan   Gadsden, AL Sensory Garden at the Gadsden Public Library, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Rachel Cole   Gadsden, AL Sensory Garden at the Gadsden Public Library, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Diana Davis   Millersville, MD Langton Green Community Farm Read Story
Katie Long   Baltimore, MD Patterson Park Joseph Beuys Garden Read Story
Jennifer Crawford   Annapolis, MD Annapolis Light House Healing Garden Read Story
Nichole Battle   Baltimore, MD Thanksgiving Place Read Story
Pastor Gary Dittman   Baltimore, MD Amazing Port Street Garden Read Story
Fred Smith   , The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama (CFNEA) Read Story
Sandra Abbott   Baltimore, MD University of Maryland Baltimore County Joseph Beuys Sculpture Park Read Story
Robin Bracey   Upper Marlboro, MD The Arc of Prince George’s County
Paula Teague   Baltimore, MD Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Healing Garden and Labyrinth Read Story
Jennifer Robinson   Baltimore, MD Fountain Garden at Patterson Park Read Story
Katie Allston   Baltimore, MD Marian House Courtyard Read Story
David A. Greenberg   Baltimore, MD The League for People with Disabilities Read Story
Todd Marcus   Baltimore, MD Choose Life Memorial Garden Read Story
Lauren Goodsmith   Baltimore, MD Northeast Interfaith Peace Garden Read Story
Liesje Gantert   Baltimore, MD Village Learning Place Read Story
Dr. Mike Sherlock   Baltimore, MD Mount Washington Arboretum Read Story
Rebecca Hoffberger   Baltimore, MD American Visionary Art Museum Sculpture Garden Read Story
Tom Gamper   Baltimore, MD Childrens’ Peace Center Read Story
Giulia Hodge   Milbank, MD Juvenile Agency Volunteer Auxiliary Garden Read Story
Steve Coleman   Washington, DC Marvin Gaye Park, in partnership with Washington Parks and People Read Story
Marsha Guenzler-Stevens   College Park, MD Garden of Reflection and Remembrance at the University of Maryland Read Story
Katelynn Wiggins   Washington, DC American Psychological Association Green Rooftop and Labyrinth Read Story
Brandon Bobisink
Holly Lennihan   Washington, DC, DC American Geophysical Union, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy
Kate Tully
Michelle Hawks Cuellar   Baltimore, MD Upper Eutaw and Madison Neighborhood Sculpture Park Read Story
Colin Smith   Baltimore, MD Kirby Lane Park, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works Read Story
Daniel Greenspan   Baltimore, MD Kirby Lane Park, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works
Donald Quarles   Baltimore, MD Kirby Lane Park, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works Read Story
Shakira Franklin   Baltimore, MD Unity Park, in partnership with Bon Secours Community Works
Melissa Burdick   Dallas Center, IA Brenton Arboretum Read Story
Kelly Collins Choi   Washington DC, DC Wangari Gardens Read Story
Dr. Phebe McPherson   Odenton, MD Epiphany Chapel Read Story
Cheryl Tyiska   Washington, DC Mt. Olivet Cemetery, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy Read Story
Cheryl Dixon   Washington, DC , DC Langdon Community Park
Sarah Krizek   Annapolis, MD Ellen O. Moyer Nature Park, in partnership with the Annapolis Maritime Museum Read Story
Terri Carta   Brooklyn, NY Naval Cemetery Landscape Read Story
Marisa Wittlinger   Annapolis, MD Annapolis Waterworks Park Read Story
Gretchen Mulvihill   Annapolis, MD Anne Arundel Medical Center Healing Garden
Benjamin Ingram   Piedmont, AL Timeless Season in the Sun at the Piedmont Health Care Center, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Sandra Keener   Piedmont, AL Timeless Season in the Sun at the Piedmont Health Care Center, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Steven Folks   Anniston, AL Mural Park at West Anniston Gateway, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Edna Jennings   Centre, AL Crossroads Garden: A Place of Solace and Remembrance, in partnership with CFNEA
Sheila Mobley   Centre, AL Crossroads Garden: A Place of Solace and Remembrance, in partnership with CFNEA
Cedric Williams   Cedar Bluff, AL Weiss Lake Overview, in partnership with CFNEA
Bob Pickerel   Cedar Bluff, AL Weiss Lake Overview, in partnership with CFNEA
Kim Cain   Ashland, AL Stringfellow Garden, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Ellen Sewell   Ashland, AL Stringfellow Garden, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Mellie Parris   Lineville, AL Sarah's Garden at SIFAT Campus, in partnership with CFNEA
John Rochester   Ashland, AL Justice Hugo Black Park, in partnership with CFNEA
Tammy Perry   Heflin, AL Community Restorative Garden and Dog Run, in partnership with CFNEA
Randy Grider   Mentone, AL Dr. Stephen Brewer Sculpture Garden, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Connie Fuller   Fort Payne, AL Reflection and Meditation Garden at Fort Payne Walking Park, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Tim Harris   Fort Payne, AL Reflection and Meditation Garden at Fort Payne Walking Park, in partnership with CFNEA Read Story
Jennifer Finlayson   Gadsden, AL Reflective Garden at Gunn-Bellenger House, in partnership with CFNEA
Worth Barham   Pell City, AL Healing and Restorative Garden, in partnership with CFNEA
Linda Tutwiler   Pell City, AL Healing and Restorative Garden, in partnership with CFNEA
Margaret Morton   , Alabama SAFE's Mind, Body and Spirit Pathway, in partnership with CFNEA
Cedrick Hill
Susan Casson   Bethesda, MD St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Susan Iaquinta   Glen Burnie, MD Baltimore Washington Medical Center Healing Garden Read Story
Fred Foote   Bethesda, MD The Green Road at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Read Story
Margaret Hardon   Washington, DC Georgetown Waterfront Park Read Story