We all have ways that we express love for those special people in our lives. Fostering meaningful relationships is what makes life rich and interesting. Much like spending time in nature, maintaining a healthy circle of friends and family is proven to decrease depression and anxiety, boost self-esteem, and benefit overall wellbeing.

Love and care are integral parts of the natural world and can be seen in unexpected ways. Aspen trees have a heartwarming secret, they are connected through an incredible shared root system. Through this underground support network, they are able to sense when neighboring trees are struggling and share nutrients, water, and support necessary to survive. In fact, many animals also express love, often in similar ways to what we do. River otters, for example, mate for life. They remain loyal to one partner, even after their offspring has grown. Otters have also been observed gifting stones to their partners as romantic gestures, much like we might gift a dozen roses or a diamond ring.

Acts of love are often acts of care, and the natural world is an expert at caring for itself, and for us. Trees provide clean air, asking little in return. The soil, full of microbes and organisms that grow our food, the ecosystems that provide us with natural resources, beautiful landscapes and opportunities for adventure, the proven fact that simply spending time with nature benefits our wellbeing are all ways that nature shows us love and care. Each moment you spend in nature, appreciating all that it does for us, returns that message.

At Nature Sacred, we’re all about spreading love. Love within and between communities and individuals, and love between humans and nature.Firesouls are constantly fostering the love between their communities and Sacred Places. Bringing folks together for events, programs and celebrations deepens relationships and offers opportunities to form new ones, cultivating stronger and healthier communities.

When people are brought together, whether for a pre-planned event, or by chance, magic happens, and love is all around. Firesouls across the country know this well, such as Firesoul Atiya Wells, from BLISS Meadows in Baltimore, who frequently hosts educational programming, movie nights and picnics. Avvah Rossie and Hunter Armstrong, Firesouls for the Naval Cemetery Landscape in Brooklyn encourage community love and self-care through seasonal events, sonic meditation classes and featuring artists in residency. Or Firesouls Charles DeBarber and Shira Goodman, who welcomed community members into The Mulberry Gander (Baltimore, MD) for free professional family portraits last year. And Kim Cain from Stringfellow Garden in Ashland, AL organizes regular celebrations and activities and was gifted a special note from a youngster.

Creating a sense of belonging within a Sacred Place encourages folks to love and care for the space itself, ensuring that special memories can continue to be made for generations to come.

Love happens in Sacred Places every day. Friends meeting for coffee, lovers on a stroll, children playing and families enjoying each other’s company; spending time in community all add to the legacy of love that is so steeped in nature.
While we’ll never truly be able to quantify the love that Sacred Places propagate, the greatest evidence we have, our little yellow journals tell us that many have enjoyed a special moment on the bench with ones they love. Sacred Places have witnessed first dates, one hundredth dates, proposals, weddings and anniversaries, each with their own unique stories. Sacred Places may be diverse in look and feel, but one thing is for certain; love certainly grows there.