Jennifer Robinson

  Firesoul Directory

Jennifer Robinson

When Jennifer Arndt Robinson moved into her Baltimore neighborhood in 2001, she was told to stay away from nearby Patterson Park. What does a true nature and animal lover do? Jennifer got a dog and visited the 137-acre park daily.

On these daily walks, she made new friends and connections and started shifting her perception of community. The park became a sort of third home to her, apart from her house and office, a critical urban ecosystem of people, nature, and, of course, dogs. A critical refuge to “reset”—a place to get out of cars, be active, talk to people – to connect.

To further support the park’s efforts, Jennifer joined the Friends of Patterson Park board in 2008 and then transitioned to a professional role a few years later.

One of the core features of the park is an iconic marble water fountain from 1864—a powerful source of community pride, place, and togetherness. It was decided that this space would become a Nature Sacred restoration project to ensure its future use. As Jennifer puts it: “When our historic fountain doesn’t work, it changes the way someone experiences their walk in the park. When it does work, it has the power to change people’s perspectives on their day. The water is cooling on a hot day and captures rainbows in the sunshine.” (picture)

As a Firesoul, Jenny looks for ways to help make the space more sacred—a place for personal respite and community unity—and meaningful to park users. Some of this work is more practical, behind-the-scenes upkeep—keeping things working, so the community doesn’t need to worry about it.

Yet, the rewards are potent. To Jennifer, she loves to observe the park visitors—witnessing the myriad ways people use it and make it their own. To see how people connect and bond. Recently, Jennifer shared, a neighbor is going through treatment for cancer. He comes to the fountain almost every day he’s able and enjoys just sitting and taking it in. He’s become part of the park family—everyone’s following his journey along. That’s community.

In being a good listener and observer, one can effectively evolve to serve people best—to keep them coming back. To keep the community harmonious. To keep its people—and pets—healthy and inspired.

My Sacred Place

Fountain Garden at Patterson Park

Patterson Park is known to its urban neighborhoods as “the best backyard in Baltimore.” Surrounded on all sides by densely populated urban neighborhoods, this 137-acre park has been valued and loved by the southeast Baltimore community for generations.

My Sacred Place

Patterson Park Joseph Beuys Garden

242 indigenous trees were planted locally as social sculpture in Patterson Park, Carroll Park, Wyman Park Dell, and at UMBC. During the first phase, the project initiators provided 100 trees each at Patterson and Carroll Parks, 12 trees and 4 stones at Wyman Park Dell, and 30 oak trees and granite stones at UMBC. A special ceremony at each site celebrated the revitalized landscape.

My Sacred Place

The Marble Fountain Garden at Patterson Park

Patterson Park is known to its urban neighborhoods as “the best backyard in Baltimore.” Surrounded on all sides by densely populated urban neighborhoods, this 137-acre park has been valued and loved by the southeast Baltimore community for generations.

Meet Another Firesoul

Hunter Armstrong

Hunter Armstrong is the Executive Director of the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative where he calls on nearly two decades of experience improving public spaces and the public realm in New York City. Most recently, he was Deputy Director of Development and Communications at the Natural Areas Conservancy, a park non profit that stewards New York City’s nature...


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