Kesiah Bascom

  Firesoul Directory

Kesiah Bascom

Kesiah is the Community Programs and Partnerships Manager at Cultivate Collective. She has held many roles as educator, community development professional, business owner and environmental policy and planning graduate at Tufts University. Raised in a household with a large garden, she grew up valuing food and its unifying nature which led her spend the bulk of her professional career working in the sustainable agriculture and food justice realm. She founded and ran a successful composting business for 5.5 years and is committed to building self-sustaining models that yield positive social and environmental impacts.

For Kesiah,

“Reconnecting with nature acts as a wonderful reminder that we are part of a larger thriving and vibrant ecosystem. This makes me feel more balanced and centered. I think nature can open up the heart to make room for healing and hope that this Sacred Place will allow folks to be at peace, reflect, and honor their loved ones.”

My Sacred Place

The Hive at Cultivate Chicago – Coming Soon

A Sacred Place integrated into the new campus of the Academy for Global Citizenship (AGC).

Meet Another Firesoul

Sebastian Gominho

Sebastian is dedicated to exploring and implementing eco-friendly solutions as AGU’s Sustainability Coordinator. The first and only net-zero building in Washington, D.C., Sebastian’s work is key to ensuring that environmental standards are met. On top of that, Sebastian is a true nature lover and is a firm believer that we can all benefit from incorporating...


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