Susan Bonneau

  Firesoul Directory

Susan Bonneau

Susan Bonneau is the grounds manager at Mount Olivet Cemetery. Susan is dedicated to the experiential wellness of all who visit the cemetery. She works hard to maintain the health and beauty of the historic cemetery grounds for all, particularly those who come to bury or visit a loved one.

My Sacred Place

Mt. Olivet Cemetery, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy

Catholic cemeteries are sacred burial grounds for those who have left the earth, but they also serve as powerful places for the living. Mount Olivet Cemetery’s green space is no exception, and is a welcome center of reflection, comfort and tranquility.

Meet Another Firesoul

Tessa Barnett

Tessa is the Program Manager of Fundraising for the Sisters of Bon Secours, USA. Having worked for the Sisters for over ten years, Tessa is happy spending her time sharing the Bon Secours Mission with as many people as possible. The Sisters and their many ministries provide healing, compassion, and liberation to all they serve...


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