Terri Carta

  Firesoul Directory

Terri Carta

Terri Carta grew up in nature, participating in Girl Scout adventures, off-grid camping with her family, hiking, and backpacking. As a Firesoul, she uses the love for nature she developed as a child in her role as the Executive Director of Brooklyn Greenway Initiative (BGI). BGI operates the Naval Cemetery Landscape, a contemplative memorial landscape, native plant meadow, and pollinator habitat.

For Terri, her role as a Firesoul is to care for the Naval Cemetery Landscape with that same passion and belief in the Landscape’s power to heal and provide wellness to its visitors. Her inspiration for propagating that passion and drive comes from witnessing people from all walks of life coming together to enjoy the serenity of the Naval Cemetery Landscape. Terri sees the Naval Cemetery Landscape as “a place that encourages and fosters reflection and meditation, all while getting a dose of ‘vitamin N’– nature.”

“I often call the Cemetery Landscape the necessary speed bump in our daily lives — something that slows us down and refocuses [us] before continuing on with our day.”

Even before taking on her role as executive director, as a Brooklyn resident, Terri visited the Cemetery Landscape frequently with her son since it opened in 2016. Her connection to the community which the Cemetery Landscape serves makes her work even more special. The Naval Cemetery Landscape is more than just a park; it’s an oasis of green in crowded Brooklyn, providing respite for all who stroll through it. And for Terri, seeing people slow their pace as they enter and enjoy the Naval Cemetery Landscape tells her “that it’s doing what it’s supposed to do.”

My Sacred Place

Naval Cemetery Landscape

The Naval Cemetery Landscape creates a restorative landscape where visitors may engage in contemplation and reflection in an industrial neighborhood.

Meet Another Firesoul

Liz Anne Ganiban

Liz brings a special breed of authenticity to her work as a Firesoul at A Wider Circle—a Sacred Place at Sibley Plaza, a public housing residence for 250 low-income seniors and people with disabilities in downtown DC. She brings a sincere passion for eradicating poverty and inequality—and is a true lover of nature. A potent...


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