Ellen Roberds
Community advocate and co-founder of the Dragonfly Collective, Ellen believes that the natural world plays a critical role in healing and community building.
The Hospitality Hub of Memphis, an organization working to lift people out of homelessness, hopes to use this five-space node of Sacred Places to expand the services they offer. With deep consideration to how its facilities meet the needs of its clients, the Hub seeks to provide spaces that spark healing for the people who use those facilities. From providing those experiencing homelessness with safe outdoor places to be during the day, to alleviating burnout from the day-to-day stressors experienced by their staff, each of the Hub’s Sacred Places is intended to accomplish a different purpose.
More about this Bench Story"Thank you for this tool I can share with my 7-year-old daughter, for this labyrinth makes meditation easy for the young to understand."