INFOGRAPHC: Why Wilderness Matters

Fantastic infographics about nature and its benefits abound! Last month, we were taken with this infgraphic that explained the many benefits of being outdoors in nature. As we wrote at the time:

If you know our foundation, you know our love for nature — is healing and unifying properties are one of the most important tenets we hold. In a time when modern man is more and more surrounded by the built world, beset by ever increasing stress and overwhelmed by technology, the need for open, sacred places in nature is more important than ever. And our ultimate vision is a world in which opportunities abound for all individuals to experience peace and well being through a personal connection to nature and spirit.

Then today, we stumbled upon another fantastic infographic by the Wilderness Society that touched on many of the same themes. They note: “As this recent infographic published by The Wilderness Society shows, A child who spends time exploring out in nature is more likely to be thin and fit, get better grades in school, and be free of emotional problems than his or her couch potato or mallrat counterparts.”

Here’s the full infographic — click on it to see the full-size!