Open Voices News Roundup: October 22

Every week, we bring you the latest news in placemaking, landscape architecture, the nature-mental health link, and much more. Check back every week for new roundups and items.

The Future of Agriculture May Be Up
“The seeds of an agricultural revolution are taking root in cities around the world—a movement that boosters say will change the way that urbanites get their produce and solve some of the world’s biggest environmental problems along the way.”

Mapping Tool Tracks New York’s Privately Owned Public Spaces
“As the city increasingly warms to the idea of having private owners provide and maintain public space in exchange for zoning concessions, how can one keep track? This week, the advocacy group APOPS@MAS (Advocates for Privately Owned Public Space at the Municipal Art Society of New York) unveiled an interactive mapping tool allowing users to locate and get info about privately owned public spaces — known as POPS among acronym-friendly planning geeks — throughout New York.”

Why Your Health Is Bigger Than Your Body
“New findings explain how politics, economics, and ecology can help or hurt our bodies.”

Metropolitan Agriculture at All Scales
“In an era where it seems like any school or community can start a garden, perhaps it’s time to step back and think about the bigger picture. What’s the goal?”