Firesouls are community catalysts, a kind of ringleader, that steward the creation
and maintenance of a meaningful green space — a Sacred Place. A person enmeshed
in their community or workplace — intimate with its story, culture and unique challenges —
who possesses the spark and drive to make the community a better place,
through nature. This is the makeup of a Firesoul. Is this you?

There are many ways to become a Firesoul.

Have a space in mind?

Or do you have a passion for Sacred Places — a strong belief in the healing powers of an intentionally-designed green space reflective of culture and place? Then you have the spark. First, listen to Fred Smith, Firesoul, tell you how to get started. Then, contact us to see how we can support your journey.

What is the Firesoul Network?

A potent collaboration of FIresouls from all across the country — a collective of over 100 inspired community leaders committed to improving the wellbeing of their neighborhoods, hospitals and campuses through nature. As part of the Firesoul Network, you can tap into ideas and innovations being put into use in spaces similar to yours — and learn from this dynamic team of like-minded, well, Firesouls.

Have an idea, a site, and ready to get started?

Tell us about your Sacred Place idea here

Already working on your design and looking for guidance?

We can provide advisory services to your design process.

Learn more


Our newsletter shares the latest on our work to cultivate the creation of meaningful greenspaces in every community.