While the ethos and guiding principles are the same for all Sacred Places, the ways we support, engage and serve distinct populations vary greatly.

The guidance we would lend a community to create a healing green space in a distressed, urban neighborhood is strikingly different from that of a hospital or educational institution, for example. 

We’ve funneled 25 years of experience into three unique initiatives — tailored to foster healing in specific environments. 

The Community Healing Initiative 

Helping urban communities heal through intentionally-designed Sacred Places, tailored to heal, uplift and rekindle community pride and unity.


Nature for Wellness: Healthcare

Designed for healthcare organizations and hospitals looking to help physicians, nurses, patients and staff heal, find respite and renewal in nature.


Nature For Wellness: Education

Tailored to help students, faculty and staff combat stress and anxiety so prevalent on campuses today — through nature.



Our newsletter shares the latest on our work to cultivate the creation of meaningful greenspaces in every community.