Open Voices News Roundup: August 20

Every week, we bring you the latest news in placemaking, landscape architecture, the nature-mental health link, and much more. Check back every Monday for our news roundups.

Young People Want To Work Outside In An Online Age
“Choosing to pursue work outdoors, some young adults today in Northern California are defying expectations of a generation thought to be too obsessed with technology to have interest in the great outdoors.”

How Gardens Heal Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
“Gardens heal in many surprising ways, and it is exciting to see the positive healing effects they are having in places as diverse as corporate headquarters, children’s hospitals, senior centers, and city halls.”

Less Parking, More Parklets
“Does it make sense to turn on-street parking spaces into miniature urban parks and plazas where people can sit, eat, check their mobile phones, read a book, take a catnap or watch the world go by? Chicago is about to find out.”

Philadelphia’s Lively New Park-in-Phases Creates a “Front Porch”
“If you care about green cities, you have to like a lot of what’s happening in Philadelphia lately, from land use planning to watershed management to the greening of vacant and blighted lots and, now, the opening of a lively new public space that makes the city a better place to live, work and visit. “