Our Approach

Nature Sacred exists to inspire, inform and guide communities in the creation of public green spaces—what we call Sacred Places—designed to improve mental health, unify communities and engender peace.

To many, the notion of integrating a green space may seem daunting. To that end, we’ve honed a unique process to guide you along—and offer the following supports to help get started, and to keep your spaces thriving and healthy.

A repurposable model.

Rooted in science and informed by design, we’ve distilled decades of hands-on experience into a customizable model for communities to adopt to create their own Sacred Places. City leaders, urban planners and impassioned citizens can leverage our Nature Sacred Product Design (what distinguishes these spaces) and Process Design (how to create one) to get started.

Guidance along the way.

Our team is on standby to help communities get started—offering support, mentorship and direction to help guide and inform the process as needed. We’re reachable by phone, email, IRL when possible—and will keep this site pumped full of fresh, helpful ideas. 


Emerging research continues to make powerful cases for nature in cities. Our aim is to arm you with compelling, evidence-based research to help make a case for creating a Sacred Place in your community. We monitor, distill and share the latest news, trends and research to support community advocacy—watch this space for the latest, broken down by Impact Area.


Communities can hit the ground running with our process guidelines—and we’re continuing to build a solid bank of helpful materials: browsable by type—how-tos & tips, case studies, stories and more to inform the creation and development of a new Sacred Place.

A live lab.

We’ve cultivated an alliance of our top 50 performing Sacred Places—what we’re calling our Nature Sacred Network. Together, we will work to bolster cross-city collaboration, and enrich programming and events in the name of stronger, more peaceful cities. We’ll be surfacing success stories, tips, ideas, and exemplars of Nature Sacred in action as we go.

"In the midst of pain, anger and frustration, this is an oasis of calm and beauty."

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