Giulia Hodge

  Firesoul Directory

Giulia Hodge

Emigrating from Italy at a young age, Giulia crossed oceans, cultures, languages, and many other barriers to settle into her new homeland. Taking on leadership roles at young age, she was destined for a career in a helping profession. As a Firesoul, her passion for people and community shines through.

Giulia graduated from West Chester University with a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), concurrently interning at numerous prisons and non-profit organizations during her coursework. Upon graduation, she served the State of Maryland in the Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) as a Resource and Case Management Specialist, and as a Coordinator of Volunteer Services – a role she passionately embraced for over three decades.

Working with at-risk youth, she developed and implemented programs that promoted social integration, youth accountability, and competency development. Giulia created and facilitated comprehensive intervention programs for juvenile offenders, some of which included a mentoring program, victim awareness education, community services, high risk adolescent trauma prevention programs, and several others.

Giulia spearheaded the implementation of the Sacred Place directly in front of the circuit courthouse to incorporate nature in numerous youth programs. She is a firm believer in the healing power of nature and is constantly looking for new ways to engage at-risk youth and those navigating the juvenile justice and foster care systems.

My Sacred Place

Juvenile Agency Volunteer Auxiliary Garden

Looking for new opportunities to counsel and support at-risk youth, JAVA has partnered with several community and civic organizations to envision and create a new town square at the centrally located courtyard of the Cecil County Courthouse.

Meet Another Firesoul

Martha Waldron

Martha Waldron (she/her) is the President of the Friends of Wyman Park Dell (, a 501c3 volunteer run nonprofit with a mission to preserve, protect, and maintain Wyman Park Dell, an Olmsted legacy park at the intersection of Baltimore’s Charles Village and Remington neighborhoods. Martha is a true steward of her community and works as...


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