Blink To See

When looking at clouds or stars, we often delight in recognizing shapes that suggest faces or figures. Observing familiar objects in unfamiliar places is actually defined by scientists as pareidolia. 

Aside from enjoying the sightings, pareidolia taps into our deeper human abilities to imagine, perceive and envision—abilities that often lay dormant in today’s busy lifestyles. It’s all too easy to overlook the powers that come with pressing ‘pause’; of giving our minds room to roam; of allowing us to sharpen our senses. This awareness can be enhanced when having this experience in nature.

This is where Pat Bernstein comes in. For years, she’s collected images of nature—trees, plants, earth—that pique our natural curiosity through her Blink To See initiative. As a book author, organizer and nature pareidolia expert, Pat encourages people of all ages to embrace their own visual powers to see previously unnoticed visions that nature carved. This awakening is presented to groups from schools, communities, hospitals and more. 

Through a new partnership, Pat Bernstein is offering her services to the Nature Sacred Network in the DC/Baltimore area. She will customize a 1-hour event for your Sacred Place community, guiding participants through an interactive experience that stimulates the imagination, encourages creative thinking and invites intergenerational collaboration—all in ways that are welcoming. Fun. Non-threatening. And deeply, creatively beneficial. All right in your Sacred Place. 

Programming can be tailored to engage your Sacred Place and community. You can expect something like:

  • A presentation of intriguing nature images that stirs the imagination—an introduction to nature pareidolia; an enjoyable, creative “warm-up”. 
  • Practical activities that work to spark thoughtful observations, mindful discovery and creative collaboration among participants.
  • A group walking tour encouraging participants’ own photographic experiences, depending on the weather, location, group and timing.

Reach out to Pat to book your event—or simply to learn more—via this form:

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"Peace. Love. Health. Joy. Safety. Serenity. Prosperity. Contentment. All are mine as I walk the ThanksGiving Place labyrinth. I am drawn back again and again."

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