Friends! We’re delighted you’re joining us on our We Belong campaign journey this month. Through December, we’re surfacing short vignettes that, together, paint a picture of how nature — when made accessible and welcoming — can help people heal, strengthen and unify. To us, there is inspiration to be found in these stories — especially now. We hope you agree — and that you’ll consider joining us.
Today, we bring you the story of the Light House, a homeless prevention support center in Maryland. Right now, the center is hard at work helping one of the most vulnerable — and generally overlooked — populations during this pandemic. They’re experiencing a heavy surge of clients: people seeking help — individuals who have lost their jobs or homes due to Covid. Often in poorer health, unable to self-isolate, it is even more difficult for them to stave off fatal illnesses. One of the ways the center is creatively rising to meet the many needs of this growing population is enlisting nature.
A walk-up pantry option, meals-to-go (through their social enterprise restaurant) and distribution of basic essentials such as toiletries, tents, clothing and masks — are all being managed outside. Outreach support, such as eviction prevention, is effectively happening on picnic tables.
Addressing the mental health crisis has long been a core focus of the organization. Firesoul Jenny Crawford, the Director of Communications at the Light House, has helped design and maintain a nature space — a Sacred Place — that welcomes its community members with a sense of calm and comfort as they process trauma, heal and strengthen. To Jenny, compassion and nature are a potent combination to help restore hope and health.
“Now with the added stress of this public health crisis, this comforting and healing outdoor space where our clients feel welcome and at ease is more important than ever. In our Sacred Place, our clients are able to decompress and relax by sitting in or walking through these healing garden spaces. They are able to enjoy the sunshine, breathe in the clean, fresh outdoor air, and look forward to even brighter days to come.” – Jenny Crawford
As a Firesoul, Jenny is working hard to uplift society’s most vulnerable — those among us who feel the most acute sense of displacement — by reminding them that they belong. That there is a beautiful nature space set aside for them. That they are seen. That there is hope.
You can fuel the work of Jenny and her fellow Firesouls across the country. Please consider a gift to Nature Sacred’s Firesoul Fund today.