Amanda Mitchell-Boyask

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My Sacred Place

UPenn Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology Stoner Courtyard

In 1998, The Stoner Courtyard was part of the “Campaign for the East Wing”, the renovation plans for the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Before renovation, the courtyard was claimed by parked cars and transient traffic, not allowing much pedestrian traffic to enjoy the outdoor space adjacent to the museum. Nature Sacred played a role in transforming the space into a fully landscaped public place for walking, gathering, sitting and reflecting.

Meet Another Firesoul

Christina Marsh

Christina Marsh is an advocate and artist that connects communities through artistic expression, collaboration, and restorative practices.  As an Artist in Residence, she has worked in several states utilizing art as a method of connecting communities and individuals to their visual representation and narrative.  Christina has also partnered with several non-profits serving as an administrator...


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