Daniel Watkins

  Firesoul Directory

Daniel Watkins

Danny is the Senior Director of Behavioral Health for Luminis Health. In his role, he sees the first hand effects of the stress and pace that our society places on individuals. He believes that taking time to breath, reflect, and respond physiologically to our environment has proven health benefits, and preserving these Sacred Places is essential to our health system.

Growing up as an LGBTQ youth in a small Appalachian town, Danny faced more adversity than he knew how to manage.

Even though I didn’t know the path to find safety and security, I kept going. I’m that person. Once I’m determined to do something, it will happen. I became a registered nurse license at 19, and found my security shortly thereafter.

Today, Danny is able to put that same passion and perseverance to work as a senior behavioral health operations and nursing director. Not only does he empathize with an isolated and stigmatized patient population, he is  able and dedicated to impact change in the system.

My Sacred Place

J. Kent McNew Family Medical Center Garden

A mental health and addiction treatment center in Annapolis, MD, serving residential, partial in-patient and outpatient clients.

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Cedric Williams


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