Dick Blackburn

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Dick Blackburn

Richard Blackburn brings over 40 years experience in scaling organizations through a career handling the sale of media and communications properties. He met Tom Stoner, co-founder of Nature Sacred, through dealings with Stoner Broadcasting and worked with him through the sale of American Radio.

Richard brings a strong business background to the board and the efforts to expand Sacred Places to more communities in need nationwide. He has followed the Nature Sacred journey for two decades and currently serves on the Nature Sacred Board.

My Sacred Place

Barton Park (formerly Whitman Walker Clinic)

The labyrinth in this Sacred Place is unique for having been previously located at Whitman-Walker Clinic, and painstakingly deconstructed, labeled, and reconstructed at its new location with the tireless work of many dedicated volunteers. Now at Barton Park, it continues to provide reflection and healing to those who walk its path.

Meet Another Firesoul

Jennifer Robinson

When Jennifer Arndt Robinson moved into her Baltimore neighborhood in 2001, she was told to stay away from nearby Patterson Park. What does a true nature and animal lover do? Jennifer got a dog and visited the 137-acre park daily. On these daily walks, she made new friends and connections and started shifting her perception...


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