Jane Zanger

  Firesoul Directory

Jane Zanger

Jane Zanger has over 30 years experience working as a teacher and administrator in independent schools in the Mid-Atlantic and New England states. She is currently a Middle School Humanities teacher and department chair at The Key School, where she loves working with her wonderful students and colleagues. Outside of school, Jane enjoys gardening, reading, and engaging with social and racial justice work in Anne Arundel County.

My Sacred Place

Roots and Wings Garden at Key School

A whimsical shade garden for students and faculty to enjoy and explore.

Meet Another Firesoul

Alex Bull

Alex is a Baltimore local and works with a variety of organizations in various communities in Baltimore City. Alex feels fortunate to hav e grown up with plenty of access to nature experiences. He is now dedicated to affording others in his community that same opportunity as a Firesoul and community steward....


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