Vanessa Truxon

  Firesoul Directory

Vanessa Truxon

Vanessa is a Queen Annes County native and is the Keeper of the Garden at Minary’s Dream Alliance. She has always found peace and comfort in nature, and wants to provide that same space to others. Her goal is to provide a safe space for people to ground, relax and find clarity — in nature.



My Sacred Place

Minary’s Dream Alliance – Coming Soon

A clubhouse, both indoor and outdoor, for kids and families affected by opioid use disorder.

Meet Another Firesoul

Letrice Gant

Letrice is a native Baltimorean who works to increase and amplify the peace that already exists there. Nature is important to me because it is a necessary sanctuary for connection, restoration, and rejuvenation. Baltimore Community Mediation Center is important to Letrice because she believes that Baltimore needs and deserves a safe space to have difficult,...


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