Blink to See —

a mindful kind of creativity. 

The program, an overview:

When outside, looking at clouds or stars, we often delight in recognizing shapes that suggest faces or figures. Observing familiar objects in unfamiliar places is actually defined by scientists as pareidolia.

Aside from enjoying the sightings, pareidolia taps into our deeper human abilities to imagine, perceive and envision—abilities that often lay dormant in today’s busy lifestyles. It’s all too easy to overlook the powers that come with pressing ‘pause’; of giving our minds room to roam; of allowing us to sharpen our senses. This awareness can be enhanced when having this experience in nature.

This is where Pat Bernstein comes in. For years, she’s collected images of nature—trees, plants, earth—that pique our natural curiosity through her Blink To See initiative. As a book author, organizer and nature pareidolia expert, Pat encourages people of all ages to embrace their own visual powers to see previously unnoticed visions that nature carved.

Take part in this 7 minute program and you will:

  • Learn to experience nature in a unique way — to experience the instinct of pareidolia
  • Consciously awaken your five senses in nature
  • Enhance your imagination; experience nature spiritually; and see the world differently
  • Allow yourself to immerse your senses in nature — to give yourself permission to find respite and peace.

Presented by: Pat Bernstein

Pat is the founder of Blink To See — an initiative that works to invite people into nature for a creative kind of respite. She offers people expert guidance for “activating the instinct called pareidolia” through her book, lectures, guided tours and compelling imagery. We’re grateful to have Pat offer us her expertise as part of our Nature-in-Place series that works to uplift in accessible ways.