Nature-in-Place Curated Picks
June 5 Dispatch

We hatched the idea of delivering Nature Care Packages to lend a little comfort, joy and togetherness during the Covid-19 crisis. This week, the world's discourse is entirely changed. Important, overdue conversations are happening all around us. We don't want to distract from these critical actions. Rather, we'd like to help support them, even in small ways. This week's Care Package offers us three things to do, read or share. Thank you for being a force for change — a believer in a better, more equitable world for people of color. 

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This week was #BlackBirdersWeek, “a series of events and activities designed to highlight Black scientists, scholars and everyday nature lovers”, that works to shatter stereotypes and show that nature is for everyone. 

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Outdoor Afro exists “to make sure all Black people, regardless of their affiliations or outdoor skills, can be treated with respect in nature at all times, anywhere and, at minimum, absolutely without the threat of violence.” There is work to be done.

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Cities across the country are now seeing the critical role that public space plays during a crisis — how they can serve as “platforms for equity…spaces to communicate truth to power.” But severe budget cuts lurk. Can investing in parks be part of the urban recovery — economically and socially? This is what CityLab explores in this article; sharing some inspiring efforts underway.


Read about protests, pandemics & parks