Tag: journal

Preliminary Analysis of TKF “Book & Bench” texts

Preliminary Analysis of TKF “Book & Bench” texts using unsupervised semantic mapping of natural language with Leximancer concept mapping #CEL001. In Cornell Civic Ecology Lab (Ed.), Civic Ecology Lab White Paper Series In 2011, one of the research teams competing for a TKF Foundation National Nature Sacred Award grant proposed exploring the creation and stewardship…

The Power of a Journal in a Sacred Space

Over the past year we have shared the thoughts and feelings left in the journals found under the bench in every Sacred Place that Nature Sacred has helped to create. These #Benchstories capture just a few of the thousands of journal entries written by visitors to the gardens over the years. In the journals we…

Don’t forget your pen

In addition to the health benefits from interacting with nature, urban green spaces provide opportunities for self-reflection and quiet. One overlooked benefit of community green spaces are the benches and places to rest, think and write. Each community green space supported by the TKF Foundation includes an iconic bench. The benches are made from reclaimed…

Introducing “Bench Stories”

For nearly 20 years, the TKF Foundation has been committed to the idea that time spent in nature can trigger profound human experiences. This can be as simple as a stress relieving break from work, to sitting under the shade of a nearby tree, to the healing power of a walk in the woods during…

Take a deep breath, listen to your self.

In our Open Voices blog we typically share insight from community leaders. This month, we shift our focus from the designers and researchers and take a moment to examine the real, lived experience of an open, sacred green space. Last week our hearts were moved by the inspiring and revealing journal entries in a West…

"Today I became someone different. I made something very special come alive. A place where we could sit, think, get outside and get our minds together."

More about this Bench Story