Nature Sacred Guides

On-Demand Resources to Create, Maintain & Enjoy a Vibrant Sacred Place

Drawing from our Network of Firesouls and allied organizations from across the country, we will be sharing on-demand, video-driven programming — serving up ideas, tips from the field and helpful resources to help you create and sustain a healthy, thriving green space — a Sacred Place. Check back often, we will be adding to these resources as we go.


Wherever you are, you can find ways to connect with nature — even in small doses, you can reap the many health benefits nature offers. We’re curating a series full of ideas, tips and guides to help you get your dose of nature—in place.


Nature for Change

In what ways does nature empower change? How can encounters with nearby green spaces influence our work as citizens, individuals or leaders?


"A quiet place. My soul grows still. This, indeed, is a balm for the weary, a shelter for the beaten. I am so grateful for this sacred space. I am now renewed."

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