Month: August 2018

And…we’re live!

Welcome to our new website! A hub for urban green space inspiration and information—and a model to replicate.    In a sense, it’s been 25 years in the works. What started as a simple concept—the notion of creating urban green spaces intended for mindful reflection, stress reduction and community strengthening—has evolved to represent much more….

Even small urban green spaces can lower depression rates, new research confirms

The research around the link between urban green spaces and mental health is growing stronger and more specific by the day, it seems. The latest such study digs into a topic we at TKF know well — and has gained considerable traction in the media. For the first time, researchers have published a paper that…

Fountains in urban green spaces

A peek behind the scenes: living with a fountain.  What do these unique fountains offer an urban green space? How are they maintained? What could we learn from each other? We needed to know.  The other week, we headed to Baltimore to find out. We pooled together our Firesouls from local Sacred Places that have…

"Today I became someone different. I made something very special come alive. A place where we could sit, think, get outside and get our minds together."

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