Michelle Reese

  Firesoul Directory

Michelle Reese

Michelle collaborates on a variety of projects with our University of Maryland Memorial Chapel and Garden, primarily in an administrative capacity. She is a true believer in the healing and community building powers of nature.

On campus, our garden is a beloved beauty that has longstanding ties to the neighborhood. It has served as a focal point for numerous programs, most notably the Walk for Remembrance in honor of September 11. Many people have used it to remember loved ones or to cope with the upsetting changes life so frequently throws in their direction. And it’s a welcoming area for regular visits—a spot to pause and take a breather.

My Sacred Place

Garden of Reflection and Remembrance at the University of Maryland

The University of Maryland College Park’s interfaith garden and labyrinth rests at Memorial Chapel in the heart of campus. The garden was envisioned by a forward-thinking Student Affairs Department in partnership with an interfaith campus community, then designed by UMCP landscape architecture students themselves.

Meet Another Firesoul

Tom Gamper

As an architect by profession (and runner and fly-fisherman on the side), it is the sanctity of nature that inspires his work as a Firesoul. The capacity that it holds to shake things clear—into perspective—and helping us recognize the beauty and frailty of life around us. It was experiencing an annual remembrance service at The...


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