Robin Smith

  Firesoul Directory

Robin Smith

Robin Smith is the current database administrator and Sr. Director of the Connection Network at Providence Hospital. She has had the opportunity to travel and work alongside many automotive industry leaders and members of Congress, as well as having opportunity to assist auto industry leaders train import automotive dealers how to advocate for themselves on Capitol Hill. In 2013, Robin started the first Epsilon Sigma Alpha – Sigma Delta community not-for-profit chapter in Washington, DC in 2010. She is a member with the American Association of Christian Counselors, a Board of Trustee and a key liaison to the DC Board of Regulatory and Community Affairs for her church. and CX Advisory Board Member of The George Washington University. Robin is also a Blackbaud certified Raiser’s Edge Professional.

My Sacred Place

Providence Hospital

The Hospital Morale Initiative embraced the idea of a Healing Garden, to provide a retreat from the relentless rigors and stresses of medicine for all members of the hospital family. The design concept for the garden focused on creating a series of separate, restorative spaces that would be spiritually, if not physically, “away” from the stressful hospital environment, by providing a connection to growing plants, moving water and the changing seasons.

Meet Another Firesoul

Marsha Guenzler-Stevens

A tornado. Several student deaths. 9/11. These were the cataclysmic events that all rattled the University of Maryland campus in 2001–shaking the student body to its core. Marsha, a university administrator, realized there was a terrific need for a safe place where students could process these events—a place to nourish, restore and find much-needed perspective....


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