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The notion of creating a community green space may sound daunting. Try this notion instead: infusing a small, discreet pocket of nature in accessible, welcoming ways. Sound better? This is the heart of the Nature Sacred approach. It’s a model that’s engineered to be attainable for communities of all sizes to integrate—and we’ve got the guide rails to show you how.

And don’t worry—when it comes to Nature Sacred, size has nothing to do with it. Instead, it has everything to do with intent.

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First up—what exactly is a Sacred Place?

What distinguishes a Sacred Place from other green spaces? Its philosophy—it’s intended to help people heal. Cope. Renew from stress, anxiety and the isolating effects of today’s lifestyles. Secondly—it’s got soul. It champions the community’s inherent culture, history and place. And it’s attainable. The model scales to meet all kinds of needs and budgets.

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What kind of green space?

Perhaps you already have a space in mind in your community—a vacant lot, perhaps; a corner of a campus just begging for a labyrinth; a pocket in a city block just perfect for a small garden. Maybe you have a clean slate. Explore the different types of Sacred Places we’ve supported over the years to get a sense of what could take shape in your community.

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How have other Sacred Places come to life? How do communities come together to envision their own unique, public green space—open and welcoming to all? Browse our gallery of case studies to learn. 

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"Thank you for this tool I can share with my 7-year-old daughter, for this labyrinth makes meditation easy for the young to understand."

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