BenchTalk Events & Programming: Bringing Journaling to Life in Sacred Places Across the Nation

Sacred Places are designed in partnership with the communities that they serve, illustrating the values, culture and energy shared by community members. While Sacred Place vary in size, design elements, and overall intention, one thing they all have in common is the signature Nature Sacred bench. Tucked underneath each bench lives a little yellow journal;…

Green ties that bind

Q&A with Nature Sacred’s new VP of Design & Sacred Places, Daniel Greenspan, and Firesoul Donald Quarles   It was in the basement of Celebration Church— just steps away from what would become Kirby Lane Park, that Daniel Greenspan and Donald Quarles’s paths first crossed. At the time, Donald’s neighborhood was pulling together, determined to…

2023 Gratitude Report

DOWNLOAD THE REPORT Centering Gratitude: 2023 Annual Report To better reflect our organization’s values, we’ve retitled our Annual Report the Gratitude Report. This change is more than symbolic—it’s a testament to the power of gratitude in driving our mission forward. In this year’s Gratitude Report, we invite you to explore the significant impact we’ve achieved…

Touching hearts and souls through nature

A profile in giving: Design Advisor Vernon Hustead  A sense of belonging—a connection—in nature occurs uniquely for each of us. Yours might be a camping adventure or standing in the shadow of a giant redwood. Or perhaps, your connection is rooted in childhood like Vernon Hustead.   From the ages of six to sixteen, Vernon and…

Embracing Connection on the Bench with Ron Ammon

Written by Kenna Brickman, Summer Intern ’23 Meet Ron Ammon, the heart and soul behind countless Nature Sacred bench installations — a unifying element of all Sacred Places.These benches represent more than just reclaimed materials; they symbolize community, reflection, and healing. They become the centerpiece at each Sacred Place, sparking conversations and fostering deep connections…

Stretch and snack at Crispus Attucks Park

On Friday, July 14th community members and Firesouls from across the Network gathered at Crispus Attacks Park for some morning yoga and an afternoon picnic.  Just before 11am, community members emerged from their homes and laid down their mats. Julia Oliver, from Rooted Recovery led the group in a relaxed flow centered around nature. The…