About this Sacred Place

The Georgetown Waterfront Park is the vital last link that joins the 225 miles of public parkland along the Potomac River from the terminus of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, in Cumberland, Maryland, to historic Mt. Vernon, Virginia. The Citizens Association of Georgetown has partnered with the National Park Foundation, National Park Service and Nature Sacred in order to support a labyrinth as a significant addition to the space. The labyrinth is a calming place for tourists, residents and visitors of all types to connect with nature, themselves and each other, all amidst the bustle of urban Washington, D.C.

Entrance to the labyrinth on Water Street and 33rd Street.

  Articles & Research for this Sacred Place

“Yet I am here. We are here.” #Benchstories #Naturesacred


Sacred Places in Urban Environments (Infographic)


“If only I could enjoy this space more…” #Benchstories


“I’ve Lost Nearly Everything…” –Bench Stories Georgetown Waterfront Park

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