Frazier Burroughs

  Firesoul Directory

Frazier Burroughs

As the Parks and Recreation Department Director for the City of Anniston, Frazier is responsible for providing leisure activities for all patrons that he serves.

As a Firesoul, helping to enhance quality of life for the citizens of Anniston is his main focus. Frazier’s Sacred Place is important to his community because it provide a venue to relax, reminisce, and visualize the rich history of the West Anniston area that was once called a “City Within A City”.

My Sacred Place

Mural Park at West Anniston Gateway, in partnership with CFNEA

This quarter-acre pocket park will offer a means for reflection; a place for people to feel an understanding of Anniston's rich history; a step towards revitalizing this important neighborhood; and a means to bring people together in the name of unity.

Meet Another Firesoul

Tom Gamper

As an architect by profession (and runner and fly-fisherman on the side), it is the sanctity of nature that inspires his work as a Firesoul. The capacity that it holds to shake things clear—into perspective—and helping us recognize the beauty and frailty of life around us. It was experiencing an annual remembrance service at The...


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